Christina Farmer Redmond — Gastonia, North Carolina

This trifling ***** was grew up with my girlfriend. They had been distant friends over the years. They shared a mutual friend snd their friendship blossomed in time. Christina set out to take my girlfriend’s best friend’s place. Christina works at Chili’s at the Whitehall location in Charlotte as an Assistant Manager. This sneaky bitc* would call and text me behind my girlfriend’s back asking if she could come over and make drinks for us. Then Christina would ask about cooking us dinner. Christina would ask me if I ever had *** in the rain and she would tell me that she was ***** and haven’t had *** in months. When I stopped talking to her, she then went after my girlfriend. Christina manipulated my girlfriend by becoming her best friend and eventually turning her against me. Christina started sleeping with my girlfriend. This low life bitc* had been in my home drinking my alcohol and eating my food. Christina is in another post for doing the same thing. Christina screws men and women. She has two daughters McKenna and Ariana. I hate to think about what she’s teaching her daughters. She was married to Darren Redmond and cheated on him with black guys. She married Darren knowing she never wanted him. Christina is a sick individual and has no remorse for her actions. Christina took Darren from his wife of 20 plus years. Once she got him, they were divorced in about 2 years. Christina sleeps with black and white guys and women too. She even tried to seduce her General Manager Heather at the Gastonia Chili’s. Heather told her numerous times she had a girl friend and she loves her girlfriend and would never cheat on her. Christina continued to pursue her until she was transferred to the Whitehall location. Christina is desperate and has nothing to offer anyone but that nasty thing between her legs. Every man she had, she took from someone else. You would think this simple but* would learn that you don’t win when you are dirty.

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