Christian Noe Martinez — San Diego, California

Oh man where do I start. This boy I can’t call a man seriously took 5 years of my life I can’t ever get back. He cheated, hit and humiliated me so much I am upset at myself to have let him in my life for so long. I finally called it quits after his attempt to to hit and rape me in August 2016. And as I left him in that process he told methe girl from his job that he was sleeping with was pregnant, something I deeply feel sorry for her. I hope she is smarter than me and once he begins his abuse that she leaves! I pray for her well being and as a woman wish her the best. I know he will still cheat as he did on me for so long but I do hope that the women that encounter him are smart and steer clear from him! He hit me so badly once I ended up in the hospital and so blinded by his abuse and so called love I bailed him out something I regret, I should’ve left then but I decided to learn the hard way. He also likes to use women especially ones with cars since he is always on the bus and hates it. Also he has a drug and alcohol abuse problem, something that he’s had since he was a young teen. He always goes to work high and he works at a kitchen! He isn’t so reliable as well he used to boast to his friends about all the “*******” he had at work. And how many he would fool around while on the clock. I hope his future/current employer see this and see that he didn’t a fit employer you want on your pay roll.

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