Christa Friesen — Stay Away From This One

Everyone watch out for this girl she’s the biggest lying sloot there is she will be all perfect and innocent to your face but when you get to know her she’s a sloot that will belittle you and make you feel like your the problem when she’s the one fukin everyone. She works for a cleaning company in Saskatoon and doesn’t mind cleaning every guys shaft. She smells like the worst fish out there I had to get myself checked after being with her and yes I did catch a few things from that sloot. She’s got 2 kids one she gave up to party her life away and the other she only got back a few years ago after he got taken cause she couldn’t be a mother with all the **** she was getting from her cleaning job. Stay the *** away from this **** you will catch something that will never ever go away I learnt this the hard way don’t let it happen to you. She gives a new name to fisting she’s just a crack ***** that smells like the worst fish market you have ever smelt she will cheat on you the moment you leave and she starts her cleaning job ya cleaning other dudes shafts. She’s a horrible mother,g/f everything if you want to catch something she’s the girl for that. She leaves her son at home for hrs or days at a time for him to fend for himself. She’s a compulsive liar, will lie to anyone especially who she is with don’t trust her with anything. She will act like she loves you but then you will find out she has another one on the side.


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