Chris Park — Tampa, Florida

Chris Lewis Park thought it would be smart to cheat on his girlfriend with my girlfriend and act like he was some sort of friend to me. Then he decided that he could continue to go to the places that I frequent and thought I would be OK with that. He also thought that he could continue to text my girlfriend and ask her out for drinks. I know my girlfriend cheated on me, I know she cheated on me with more than one guy. De I know Chris knows all about it. I also know that Chris is so insecure about how he performs in bed that he texted my girlfriend to ask her if the *** was good (this was before we were dating and while he was still with his girlfriend). Well, he never got an answer to his question so here it is: “He def wasn’t the best I’ve had.” So, for all the ladies out there contemplating a relationship with this guy: he has ***, he isn’t very good in bed and he cheats. Avoid this loser.

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