Chris Massaro – California

so many SEO firms are garbage fraud these days and are absolutely full of ****. This company writes emails with bogus facts to random companies trying to scare them into using their company. This dumpster fraud trap is called The Search Engine Guys. Two of their top offenders involved in the “cold call spam” emails are none other than longtime scam artists Chris Massaro and Dayton Ames. They send that a site has fake errors and slower site speeds than they actually have. The worst part is they take claim for having clients that they have never serviced. Check out this RipOffReport on these scumbags: If you want to pay a lot of money for the worst kind of low life SEO fraudulent service that is going to get you zero traffic, this is the place to go. Their clients page takes claim for working on pages they have no responsibility for. Straight joking liar

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