Chris D Walters — New York

My friend met him on OkCupid. He was sweet to her n he made her happy. Told her she was THE ONE for him. De that he wanted her n only her. Says to her all the stuff he wants to do with her. It went on for months. Then he changed to a jerk after she said she loved him. He says to her he changed his mind. I talked to him n he said she’s perfect but he’s scared of the unknowns. So De he destroyed her n broke her heart. I think it’s cuz he started using it again. He told me he was. He was sweet when he was clean n a jerk when he wasn’t anymore. Women are warned. He’s a user n a player n might even be bipolar. He’s living at home with his mama n goes to school but doesn’t work. he could be a sweet guy if he wasn’t into drugs n stuff.?

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