Cheryl Robertson Laut — Missouri

This broad is Cheryl Laut aka Cheryl Robertson. She is the queen of using. She enjoyed sleeping around on her husband and using her family to spy on him because he was out finding better than some mooching *****. If you looked like Cheryl your husband SHOULD cheat on you. I mean look at those jowls. Not to mention she has an unhealthy obsession with her son, Kevin Poe and her granddaughters. That’s odd and her granddaughters virtually run in her ***** footsteps.

Her new man has reported Kevin coming over late at night and he has caught them more than once in bed together. That’s incest Cheryl last I checked!! But she tries to pass it on to her other family and say they are sleeping with each other when in reality Kevin Poe and Cheryl are sleeping in the same bed! More than one witness. She even BUILT A HOUSE across from her son. Who does that??

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