Cheryl Lynn — California

I am writing this for a close friend and he does not know but I am compelled because of the horrible and unlawful activity perpetrated by his ex-girlfriend. I have known her for many many years and while I want to defend her, her actions are deplorable, are all lies and cannot be undone. As a professional in the healthcare field who happens to be a nurse, friendship aside, a doctor who is truly a lifesaver, has the highest integrity, morals, and ethics, and has helped me and my family, deserves somebody who knows Cheryl Lynn for many years to tell the truth about her. While I haven’t known her ex-boyfriend that long, approximately four years, I am a happily married mother so my motivation to do this is because it’s the right thing to do. Her ex-boyfriend is a prominent physician and has been extorted from her because her ex-husband fails to pay child support or alimony so she uses any guy she can. He has had his life destroyed by his ex-girlfriend. This is not a joke and she has written horrible and untruthful stuff about somebody who has saved literally two or 3000 lives as a surgeon, has a perfect record, is a super doctor for six years in a row, and is it admired and respected by all his patients. His ex has contacted another friend of mine thinking she was seeing him in the past when she knew darn well that he does not cheat and is totally loyal. In fact he went out for a long time with Cheryl and she was always getting evicted and moving and he never knew where she lived yet she had a key to his house but just continued on with the devastating lies and rumors despite knowing that he is either home or working and adored her. She is a pill popper, and stopped drinking after her two DUIs according to her. She also clearly suffering from borderline personality disorder and has had at least two attempted suicides to create drama and a 5150. We have a lot of mutual friends, or really acquaintances because everybody runs from her and are repulsed at her behavior. I have known her for many years and is like family but sometimes the truth needs to be exposed when it harms somebody who is such a decent human being and has helped so many people. I feel compelled to do this because she has no regard for anybody else and will do anything to try and maintain her perfect image. She is also on more dating sites than I have ever seen and has more profiles on Facebook then anybody I have ever seen. I’m sorry that I had to write this but after seeing what she has done to MR(his initials), again I had to speak up. While I love her like family, I respect him very much and she has destroyed his life and reputation for no reason. Although, like I previously stated, Cheryl and I have had a real friendship for many years, I really try and maintain as little contact as possible because you never know what she will do to somebody when she is angry or her activity gets exposed. I apologize to her for doing this but maybe this will make her wake up and realize that true love is hard to fine and that you don’t destroy somebody who has not done a thing because they have exposed the truth and what you have done for so many years. I know this quite well

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