Chelsie Marie — Saint Augustine, Florida

So this sl** started working with my boyfriend. They started something even tho I was living with my bf at the time and she was living with her baby daddies. This ***** flirted, sent messages, and chased him at work. When successfully breaking us up. She was his work girl and *****. She ended up leaving and he came back to me. Yes, he broke up with me for this waste of space. Then she comes back to their job. She worked at Jaybirds, supposedly in love with her baby daddy.. Lol! But starts chasing my old man again. She ended up f**kin the night cook Mike (She was a shi**y server) and was still playing with my man. She quit to become a stripper, guess she realized her true calling. Now after she’s gone I hear she was F**KING around sleeping with my loser boyfriend the whole f**kin time! Supposedly it never happened. But my cheating ex never owned up to **** every time I caught him. Karma a b*tch tho! Dirty little b*tch isn’t even clean! Watch your men with this local doorknob! Everyone gets a turn!

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