Chelsea Sabo — Prince George, Canada

Chelsea Sabo is nothing but a homewrecking cheating sloot. She ruined my friends happy home by getting involved with her husband which use to be her ex. She left him high and dry with no explanation then came back 6 years later started missing him. She knew he was in a relationship but that didnt stop her. While she was ruining that home she was also playing her man along. This girl will cheat on any man and go after married men. She dates guys, but take attention from any man out there. She has no respect for anyone and only thinks of herself. It doesn’t matter if shes in love she will always look for the next best thing. So ladies watch your man and if you see her pop up on any account of your mans block her. And boys dont get to attached to this girl she will *** guys behind your back. Well known sl*t from terrace to rock creek. Stay clear of chelsea sabo the homewrecking cheating sloot

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