Chelsea Dufresne — Canada

Narcissist cheating self esteem destroying where who will do anything to anyone good forbid her reputation at stake she lies constantly cheats is afloozy that rips off guys she almost got this one guy to kill himself messed with his head so bad he has no self worth tells him she loves him day after day fuckd all his friends throws shade on him makes up stories just the evilest chick in world once made him sit in basement while he listened to her bang some dude acts like she cares about him and her son but she’s the most selfish drug addicted ***** regina has ever seen poor justin falls for her sht time and time again if u see this chick run far as u can shes manipulative controlling and acts like she’s dating she body but that’s about it her face looks like a witch from Blair witch project her nose keeps getting bigger and bigger everything she does to ppl she accuses others of

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