Chelsea Donahue — Sarnia, Canada

This girl right here is a home-wrecking sloooot. Stop texting and sleeping with all the men you work with, especially the married ones. De which means my husband, leave him alone for the sake of our children. You should be a role model for your girls. Stop posting professional pics of you and your family to pretend you are in a loving relationship. It’s a joke. Everyone feels so bad for your husband who has no idea how much of a sloot you are. Someone needs to let *1tch know just how many times and how many men you have cheated on him with. Maybe start by wearing your wedding ring, and stop pretending you aren’t married. Maybe your husband should know you are only with him for his money. He needs to wake up and see the truth, your wife spreads her legs for anyone. Leave my husband alone, enough is enough. Or the texts and pics will have to come out. Embarrassing.

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