Chelsea Anna Peterson — Hacoda, Alabama

I was married for 11 years to my husband Joey. I was going up north with my cousin for a concert for about 4 days. Chelsea was sleeping with my husbands cousin and hanging out with him, my husband, and myself. I asked her out of respect for me to please while I was gone do not hang out with my husband or bring her friends to hang out while I was gone. My husband started acting very strange while I was gone, come to find out he was back on meth and hanging out with Chelsea. I returned and knew something wasn’t right, and within a week he kicked me out saying there was nobody else. When I left she was sleeping with my husbands cousin and the same day he kicked me out she climbed out of his cousins bed and straight into my husbands bed. He is almost 40 years old and she is 23 and a well known needle junkie. The guy she was with before swapping my husband and his cousin caught her talking to 7 guys and playing him at the same time. Shes well known for ruining relationships. Even though I’m glad it all happened because I have found a man to love me like a woman should be and I absolutely cherish him, I wanted to expose her so that other females know not to trust her. I tried confronting her but her and my husband locked the door and wouldn’t come out. Now she’s on social media Thanking *** for him but I don’t think *** sent her a married man. She is known all over southeast Alabama so if she comes around keep an eye on your husbands and boyfriends ladies she will do it just for spite.

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