Cheater Pig Christian Graus — Australia

This lying scumbag, Christian Graus claims to live in Melbourne. He doesn’t. This loser lives at 31 Pegasus Drive Dromedary, Tasmania, with his mother!Christian Graus IS A cheater! He’s married and he sexually harasses other women. This feral, entitled, sack of **** spends his time sexting other women, and is a disgusting pig about it. Christian Graus is filthy minded pervert! This jobless predator stalks girls online and tells these girls that he and his wife are into threesomes.Christian Graus is a worthless lowlife! He is a troublemaking scumbag! Christian is a far-left, bullying radical who stalks, exposes, and harasses people of whom he disagrees with. He follows Antifa and travels to far away lands to cause chaos and disorder with conservative people that he doesn’t like.Christian Graus has Asperger’s Syndrome, which causes him to be naturally egocentric, selfish, entitled, and inconsiderate. He doesn’t have a job and lives off his parents and wife. They take care of his unemployed a$s, while he plays games, torments people, and travels to other countries. This idiot is mentally disabled and should not be allowed to travel anywhere on his own. He should be locked away, under extreme supervision, like other slow and mentally retarded people are. This creep should not be allowed on the streets, nor should he be allowed on social media/the internet, at all. His phone and other electronic devices should be taken away from him.

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