Chayla Cherie — Edmonton, Canada

This girl thinks she’s all that because she has nice stuff, she sells her mitt for it just like her mommy taught her. De Shes dating a 36 year old who has 2 kids he never sees, Yet he sees her an she just turned 21… Gross. Anyways, Her BF makes money by robbing people 10 years younger than him while high on meth. Chayla posts pics of her stolen things and things she got from selling her mitt and thinks she’s a “baddie” but she’s just a bad person. She can never keep friends because she’s always high on meth and extremely paranoid and toxic. She goes to girls houses to steal their clothes and then never talk to them again. Her and her whole family are addicted to drugs and collecting welfare like bums robbing people to make a quick buck. De Chayla Lhirondelle this is just the beginning. Everyone will know how horrible you really are. Guys? Find her on Leolist. And girls, don’t trust this neechie.

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