Charlotte Jordan — Bartow, Florida

I am engaged to marry my soon to be daughters father. We’ve been together a little over two years, he’s just as much to blame but this is about Charlotte Jordan. She’s very pregnant herself, were due days apart. She knows about me, and she’s known to. I have caught multiple texts between the two that prove they are still seeing each other and go as far as still doing drugs together. It’s what their relationship was built on. She is married herself and her husband Ryan is no prize as he cheats himself. Maybe she’s ok with an open marriage but I am not. She texts and calls him everytime they are fighting and she’s dropped off at her mothers. There’s a video of her sucking his d, in his truck. Class act. I just hope her baby isn’t my fiancé’s nor is it her husbands so she’s finally reaping some of what she sows. I’d post the video that my fiancé still has but I know I can’t post nudity. She always texts my man, hope I never get ahold of her husbands number.

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