Charlene Renee Manns — North Liberty, Indiana

So and my (at the time) fiancé was fighting. I decided to stay t, my sisters, for two days and when I returned my fiancé said he wanted to talk. He came over to our house and said that I deserve better and that he doesn’t think we should be together anymore. After a lot of talking, we decided that we weren’t gonna let one fight ruin our relationship. He decided that he wanted to stay the night at his friend’s house that night. I begged him to stay because I felt that I was losing him. I let him go stay at his friend’s house. A couple of days later he fell asleep on the couch. I woke him up and told him to come to bed. He then called me Charlene. I told him no this is your fiancé I want you to come to bed. I knew something was up. So that morning as I was breastfeeding our daughter before work I took his phone and read his messages from Charlene. I knew he had had *** with her because of the texts. I was so hurt to find that he had done that. This girl knew about me. I thought she wanted to be my friend. I let him in my home. I never thought he would do this to me. After a lot of crying and a lot of yelling and cussing, I forgave him. Ladies just beware of this homewrecker she knew about me and had no intentions of it being a one-time thing. After she found out about me finding out she blocked me and I had him delete her number. I haven’t seen or heard of her since. She is a homewrecker and I hope to *** I never see her face again.

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