Chantel Friesen — Alberta, Canada

People need to be aware of the intentions of thos monster. This sad excuse for a woman has done it again! She was just caught by her fiancé, well ex fiancé now, getting railed by one of her customers. She is a hairdresser and works from home. De she did this with her first husband as well, she works at home and has *** with whom ever, make or female, while the man who is supporting her is out working his *** off for her and her 3 children. She will sleep with a married person, single person ****, she would probably sleep with a donkey if there was enough money involved! This individual is a great liar, wonderful at hiding her affairs. The man often doesn’t even find out he has been cheated on until after she has already left him for someone with more money. This last guy was lucky, he came home early from work one day to surprise her and found her getting railed on in his bed by one of her male clients. I say he was lucky because he proposed to her and they were engaged to get married in the summer of 2022. He got away lucky, but she can still take him to court as common-law. When she left her first husband her demand for child support was $2000 dollars a month, and she wanted to claim the kids 100% and all of the child tax benefit, even though they shared custody 50/50. All she sees is $$$ she doesn’t even have enough decency inside of herself to think of her 3 children that she makes suffer through her atrocious actions. If you see your friend with this woman warn them. Give them a fair chance to make an informed decision and get the **** out before it is too late and she plays them and leaves them then tries to take them for everything she can in court. 100% you can’t make a wife out of a ***. A *** is going to forever remain a *** until its hole is all used up and dried out, bottom line.

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