Chantal Marie Fritz — British Columbia, Canada

Chantal Marie Fritz No Loyalty.THE DIRTY EX: Where do I start, Chantel Marie Fritz was sleeping with my friend’s boyfriend while she was married and she had two kids with her husband. She had a perfect life and let it all go for garbage like him (and yes he is the garbage man too) needless to say my friend took him back right after the two of them broke up and Chantal only found out she was pregnant the day before they broke up. Needless to say, she aborted the baby. Some people can’t have kids and she tossed hers like trash. She’s a very entitled human being and will manipulate to get whatever she can if it doesn’t go her way she punishes you. She moved back to the town she came from but kept on working in my little town so we all still have to see her slutty face everywhere we go. From the rumors, I heard and was told she and her husband were trying to figure things out for the kids and work past her past life but needless to say, that didn’t work. One of my friends recently told me that she’s been hanging out with her ex-husband she doesn’t care but she feels for the kids. So my word of advice is you see her coming run run run she has no loyalty to anyone, not even her kids.

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