Chancey Lair — Princeton, Texas

Her name is Chancey Morgan Lair. Do not ever let this “cancer” into your home or your lives. She knows how to destroy a marriage, then pretend it was because she was young. This cheater started an affair with my husband in her twenties and continued to follow him from job to job keeping up the affair all time knowing he was married with 2 kids. She continued the affair for more than 6 years. Even after I became sick and he took a month off to take care of me she continued to call and insist they need to see each other. She taught my husband how to cheat but she claims cause she found Jesus it absolves her from her sins, but in reality it makes you one of the worst people in the world. knowing he was trying to make things right at home but she continued to peruse him and ruined my marriage. She’s married now with children I hope her husband does the same to her. She didn’t care how she ruined my life and marriage. She is a cheater and always will be I hope her husband finds someone better.

1 thought on “Chancey Lair — Princeton, Texas

  1. Fact time. I was in my very early 20’s, and was dumb enough to believe that he loved me. Once it became clear that he didn’t, I broke it off. He continued to attempt to pursue me, but it didn’t happen. This happened almost 2 decades ago. It’s funny how I’m the horrible person, but I was single when it happened. I didn’t take a vow to be faithful, he did. And I wasn’t the only one he had an affair with, but good one. The only victim in this is his wife. But I don’t feel bad for her anymore, because even after he had multiple affairs, she blames the girls and not the man that took the vow. But I’ll go ahead and publish him here since she won’t

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