Chad Nathan Hopkins — Lapeer, Michigan

This guy lives his lies. He cheated on his wife, moved a girl he met at club in her house and told said girl they were divorce, now he’s trying to run back to his wife as he is still with that girl. Cheating on the girl he cheated with. The guy is an idiot cause his lies are inconsistent enough for everyone to see the flaw but him. He goes for vulnerable women. Never a girl old enough to see his ways always a girl down on life and looking for love. He uses the fact that he helps them as way to control them and when he’s found out he uses the fact that they’re down out and tell them how they need him so its ok. De he is broke have no money, but these girls are so young they think because he hides behind an akmost bankrupt company and gets things he can’t afford to impress them (and then cry about losing his company over bad debt), they actually fall for his ploys.

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