Centre Saint-Michel — Change of date for an appointment

On 27th June 2022 at 8:30I had agreed for an appointment for a blood pressure holter. On 27th June I woke up with fever and cough and I tried BEFORE 8:30 to contact the booking center of the Saint Michel to inform that my health conditions could not allow me to be present at the appointment. But nobody replied. I immediately informed my cardiologist Dr. Paparella of the my problem.
Later I received your communications 16086965 dated 27th June informing me that I did not show up on 27th, on 28th and on 29th for the holter and claiming that I will have to pay 25 Euro for each time.
I would like to point out that:
I tried to contact the booking center as soon as I realized that my health conditions did not allow me to show up on 27th but YOUR service did not pick up the phone.
I NEVER booked a holter on 28th and 29th June, so I do not understand what are you asking me to pay for an appointment that I never asked.
I really do not understand how you could send me a letter dated 27th June 2022 for supposed appointments that I did not show up on 28th and 29th???? You must be kidding or able reading in the future?
This is an informal warning you NOT to charge to my next invoice the above-mentioned fees.
Kind regards
Andrea Rubini
0472 44 20 16

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