Center For Cardiovascular Health Brattleboro Vermont Review

Nine years ago, I almost drowned inside. I was given a heavy dose of Lasix IV, and my life was saved. Since then I have moved, become disabled with Multiple Sclerosis, and no longer have a car. I saw a heart doctor here in Brattleboro a couple of times, but after that, my heartfelt fine, and I became pre-occupied with the problems of M.S. After some time, my heart started to have troublesome symptoms again. When I called the Cardiovascular Center, the receptionist said that I had waited too long to be considered a patient anymore, but if I got a referral from my primary doctor, they would see me again. This I gladly did. Because I was not well, I asked my husband to make my appointment. But my M.S. symptoms flared up, so I asked my husband to reschedule the appointment. He gave them 48 hours’ notice, and they gave me a new appointment. Alas, my flare-up got worse, and I asked my husband to reschedule again because I knew that my body would not cooperate with me. This time he gave them at least 72 hours’ notice, and I was given a new appointment. A couple of hours later, the office manager called. She said that my appointment was canceled and that I was being terminated from the whole cardiovascular practice. She claimed that I had missed three appointments without giving 24 hours notice. My husband tried to reason with her. He reminded her that he had given much more than 24 hours’ notice. She denied it. He explained my problems with Multiple Sclerosis. She didn’t care. He pointed out that we had no transportation to see another cardiac doctor (we live in a rural area, and there are no other heart doctors here). Nothing mattered; I have permanently cast away, with my name thrown on the Center’s blacklist. Their letter said that they would see me in an emergency for 30 days only. What am I supposed to do for emergencies afterward? With untreated Heart Failure, an emergency could happen at any time. Multiple Sclerosis can cause serious pain and mobility issues, and I believe it is my right to be reasonably accommodated with scheduling. But what can I do when nobody will listen?

17 Belmont Avenue Brattleboro, Vermont USA



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