CBS — Chicago cbs interrupt young restless too often….why?

Young restless pprogram has been interrupted too many times for special programming that could be seen at another time slot. why is this program always intterupted during the day for special prgrams that could be seen in a different time slot. Is cbs chicago against young restless? I believe they are and they are displaying some type of favortism regarding other day time proggramming. Your viewers who are able to record the program are not even given that opportunity. What about the viewers of yr who cannot record? yes it is so sad to think that cbs along with the other msm just do not want to be fair and just and this proves to be in their news reporting for they do not report truths….they keep truths from the people that they are supposed to be serving. cbs and all msm reporting needs to be all rehauled…..fairness and truths need to be a priority. cbs and all msm need to be fair and just regarding all the public they are suppposed to be chicago needs to be fair and just when reporting with special programming and of course when reporting untruths instead of the truths.and the whole truths.

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