CBS — CBS Saturday Morning Forgot About Sandy Berger Stuffing CLASSIFIED DOCs in his PANTS!!!!!

I am trying to leave CBS programming feedback and your pulldown menus are useless! They are unusable…maybe to avoid complaints?! Who knows, but I do have a complaint: I am perplexed about the 91722 Saturday Morning show story about what people like corrupt Archive employees have stolen from the Natl. Archives! Considering the current hyperfocus on Trump and whatever documents you are speculating he has taken or done something illegal with, wouldn’t a more appropriate story of Archives theft be that of Sandy Berger from the Clinton Administration?! Definitely showing your colors on this one and your BRIGHT BLUE PARTISAN coverage is becoming more and more disturbing. I am a Libertarian and certainly NOT a Trump-Lover, but I will come to his defense where this alleged document scandal is concerned for CBS not mentioning the SANDY BERGER STUFFING DOCUMENTS IN HIS PANTS AND SOCKS SCANDAL during the ultra-Important 911 Commission! To refresh your memory, please see the Larry Elder audio from 2017 and a story before you assure viewers Trump will be indicted.



I want to hear BOTH SIDES of news, not just the same old Let’s pile-on Trump stories. I don’t know what is worse– the non-relevant (deflection?) story about people who stole from the Natl Archives or the laughable stripper-type pumps worn by the bimbo women on that show. CBS is the only station I pay a monthly fee for through Amazon Prime, but I am beginning to rethink that! Please be fair and NON-PARTISAN in your reporting! Thanks for listening. A true middle-of-the-road viewer. When CBS stops being so politically partisan in reporting!

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