Catrina Forrest — North Carolina

This woman has got to be the worst piece of ****. She has not one ounce of Morales or shame. She will befriend you and then find a crack in your relationship and make it a whole. It doesn’t matter to her if your male or female. She will sloot her way in and make your spouse or partner believe that they are in a lifeless relationship. She will make you think that you are her soul mate while destroying your whole life. And when you finally figure out what she’s doing. She will stalk you, send you 1000 text messages and call your phone back to back. She is relentless. She saves every message and voice mail to use as evidence to use against you. Her last 3 relationships have been with people that are already spoken for. She can’t build her own she wants what you have. She is a parasite. Run the other way if you see this ***** coming.

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