Catherine Rice — Bremerton, Washington

Just let me start off by saying this is not my story, and I am incredibly grateful for it. I’m posting this for a woman I have known since we were kids because she won’t, but people need to know about this *****. A couple of days ago, I saw my friend while she is here visiting family, but she lives in Washington with her husband. We got to talking, just for a few minutes because she was running late and needed to leave. When I asked her how things had been, she laughed and said, “Um..challenging?” I messaged her about it, out of curiosity, because I just felt like something was off. This is the response I got (I changed names to protect their privacy): “Okay, so, a couple of months ago I found out [he] was cheating on me. We lost power one night and he was sitting there texting someone, which is odd, to begin with, but I didn’t think anything of it at first, and he just said it was this woman who he played PlayStation with who lived in the area. No red flags, nothing like that. So we get power back, but then we lose internet, and I couldn’t get my phone to connect even with data, so I used his to look up the internet company and find out what was going on. Then, I thought that girl might be on his Facebook, and if she was local, I would add her as well and we could all hang out or something. That is when I saw the messages. Like, from the get-go, they were slutty. For example, she was like, “Boo…I have to go take a shower alone” and he responded with “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about dropping the soap”. She replied with “Well, you know I like it from behind”. Now, this was before anything ever happened between them. I mean, this **** was right out of the gate, and at this point, she KNEW he was married. Anyway, I keep scrolling through the messages, and nude pictures, and I get to the part where they are planning on hooking up. I was so sick to my stomach, I threw his phone down and woke him up to confront him. He admitted everything, said it was a huge mistake and he was sorry. Now, before you judge me for staying with him, you have to understand something. Our marriage wasn’t exactly perfect. He would come home from work and get on his game, and I figured he wanted his “man time” or whatever, so I would disappear to do my own thing. I thought I was doing what he wanted, and he thought I didn’t want to be around him. And neither one of our stupid ***** thought to ask the other one. So, this went on for a while, and then on like…Feb. 12th or something, this ***** comes along. And I will tell you…she is good at what she does. Reading some of those messages, she knows exactly what to say to stroke a man’s ego. By Feb. 22, they were sleeping together.

I found out on March 2nd. I called her at 1:30 in the morning and told her if she ever contacted him again, I would beat the ever-loving **** out of her. Fast forward a week or so, I have my own PlayStation now, so that we can game together and try to reconnect through something we can both do, and I start hearing through people we play with the **** she is saying. Like, “Oh, he said they were pretty much separated and in an open relationship” (which is bullshit, he never actually said that) and all this other **** about how she is a victim, too. Then, she starts messaging him on PlayStation talking about how she still wants to be friends. When he was like, “Do you honestly think my wife would be okay with me being friends with the woman I cheated on her with?” she was like, “I don’t care what she wants. I want to know what you want.” And, “I just don’t want to lose my best friend”. How the **** is he her best friend? They had only known each other for a couple of weeks. Then she tried to get him to download some messaging app that is untraceable. Then she said, “We can still be friends and mess around”. And the conversation that followed supports that, despite her claims (after she was confronted by someone about it) that it was a typo and she meant to say NOT mess around, it was in fact not a typo. So, fast forward again, and apparently, her newest thing is “Oh, [he] wants to come to see me but he can’t because she GPS tracks his phone”. I’m sorry, but if he REALLY wanted to be with her, he would be, regardless of what I may or may not be doing to his phone. She is so delusional, she has absolutely no concept that while her conniving and manipulations worked on a man who was in a weak place, they weren’t enough to keep him. [He] is genuinely sorry for what happened, I really do believe that, because he has been making monumental efforts to make it up to me. He is still in super deep ****, don’t get it twisted, but at least he was man enough to confess and admit he was a moron, and she was nothing more than an easy piece of ***. She just can’t accept the idea that she is basically the equivalent of drinking your own **** in the desert. Not very good, but you can survive for a little while.

She has even told chat lobbies full of married men that her ****** tastes like pineapples and strawberries…because that is the epitome of class, and actually calls people a traitor if they play a game with me. She tells people she saw [him] and waved, but he didn’t wave back because he didn’t see her. And I am sitting here like, ‘*****, he altered the appearance of his car to make it less noticeable to you!! It’s not that he didn’t see you, it’s that he wants you to go the **** away and stop thinking you were anything more than an ugly, desperate ****!’. But, apparently, she just doesn’t get it. So..yeah.” There you have it. Ladies of Bremerton, WA beware! And, given that this **** plays on PlayStation, I guess any man who does as well is fair game. This woman clearly has NO respect for marriages, or herself, so long as she gets to be the center of attention. After a lengthy discussion, my friend showed me some of the messages, and I can honestly say this girl is conniving, manipulative, and will say whatever she has to in order for a man to pay attention to her. So, if you take away anything from this, let it be that communication is SO IMPORTANT in a marriage. Don’t let it just sort of fall to the wayside. Take time to pay attention to your spouse. Make sure they know that they are loved and appreciated. I don’t know [him] all that well, since I have only met him a handful of times, but the impression that I got is that he is a decent guy and he really does love my friend. But even that sometimes isn’t enough when that person feels like their partner is no longer interested in them physically. It makes it easy for tramps like this to slither in. Don’t make it easy for tramps.

And guys (or girls), if someone is talking to you who isn’t your spouse like that, take a step back and wonder what kind of person knowingly flirts with a married person. What kind of person says, “Oh, they are married? Oh well!” and shamelessly flirts? Is that REALLY the kind of person you want to potentially break up a marriage and family over? Fortunately for my friend (and her kids), she and her husband are working things out. She says, “I will never blame myself for him making the decision that he did, to do what he did. But I can accept some of the blame for not being the kind of partner I should have been. So, we are both working on ourselves, and honestly…our marriage is stronger now. We both now realize just how stupid we were being by not talking to each other, and letting each other know how we felt. But, we do now, and things are better.”

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