Cassy Dainard – Ottawa, Canada

Have you accepted your invitation for DRD’s yet?… because if you want one these two tramps have nooo problem doing that for you, if u saw the long list of men and women they have been with theres no way in **** their *****’s are enjoyable, no body can even get off too them in the first place plus blondy here has two kids, both apprehended by the Childrens Aid Society of Ottawa, maybe you shouldnt sell your stank *** ***** for money to get heroin, pepsi, crack, speed and much much more sweetheart and that wouldn’t happen she also tried to blame a friend for her kids getting taken away, meanwhile the other one will join in on anything as long as it’s considered a sexually activity, she will *** almost anything and everything plus shes really big into shooting heroin especially right before so if you like someone tweaking off down and shoving needles in their veins 24/7 go for it but dont forget about what they have… enjoy!

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