Cassie Whalin — Sheperdsville, Kentucky

This woman played an abuse victim to a married man to lure him in, her poor poor me, she signed over her first 2 kids and gets pregnant, not by the married man because he can’t have kids, but he left the 2 he raised for her and pretends this is his baby, she did drugs the entire time while pregnant, running from cps, not because she obviously cares about the baby, she signed over the others , but because she dont want to get in trouble. The true baby daddy had a long term sexual partner that was HIV positive, pretty sure she has to have it along with herpes and hep c, and cheats on the man that left his family with the baby daddy with hiv…being a friend of this man’s first wife, she shouldn’t feel too special because he claimed an infant at birth before and walked away, so maybe she thinks she’s special and he’s never had ano infant before since he can’t have kids, but she’s dead wrong, he has, and poof gone like the wind..when his wife was so devastated over what was going on and had to go to a suicide hospitals she went with this fine fella to her home and stole all kinds of things including stuff for her kids while this woman was in a hospital for suicide, and if I heard correctly , before this happened and the wife knew her, and this homewreckers and her boyfriend and kids had no where to go, she opened her home upage to them and the ***** stole from her. maybe she thinks that all the woman he’s been withe and cheated on she will be that special one, sorry, you’ve been played over and over and you worry he will cheat on you , sucks having someone **** with your relationship doesn’t it…she’s a drug addict, thief, homewrecking, cheating *****, stay far far away, I’m sorry for her when karma finally catches up…hoping he goes back to where he should be, he doesn’t have much ethics obviously himself, but I hope the wife is smart enough to say hello no…long time from of first wife, baby daddy and fake baby daddy, enjoy

1 thought on “Cassie Whalin — Sheperdsville, Kentucky

  1. As *** is my witness these are lies, I have witnessed this person for the past 5 years clean their entire closet out and I help raise that child you were talking about and she calls me Dad. I’ve also raised my children without their mothers. I also know she’s 100% clean in all the ways that you accused, holds a job, and is dependable and adored by her children. Also know the guy you were talking about both of them and not personally because they are low lifes, and she was abused, And the guy you’re talking about to begin with the husband he’s the type to pray on girls barely 18 and other young girls being a veteran drug user that’s the way he controls them. I’m not perfect either but that type of scum and the type of scum you are for writing what you wrote 5 or 10 years after the fact and digging up someone’s old social media photos to slander them because if you know her she hasn’t had social media for years. Would you like to up your name or you want me to use your IP?
    Slander is a subcategory of defamation, which is illegal in states where defamation is illegal. Kentucky is a per se state, which means that some statements are inherently defamatory. For example, it is illegal to accuse someone of having a disease, being criminal, being incestuous, being promiscuous, or being seductive. In these cases, the plaintiff can sue for damages without having to prove actual damages. Damages awarded for defamation in Kentucky include punitive damages, compensatory damages, and actual damages. News agencies can mitigate defamation damages if they correct or retract the contested statement.

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