Cassidy Cornwell — Cartersville, Georgia

She will use her kids as a way to get your man! My husband and I separated 2 years ago because he was talking to someone else. I found out the next weekend it was my daughter’s best friend’s mother who started spending the night with him then. After being together for 20 years I filed for divorce. Right after that, I found out they rented a house together all the while he claims they are just friends. Both of them going through divorces. They are both still legally married. We tried to fix our marriage but she would not stay out of the picture claiming that the kid’s friendship was more important than our family. Now I find out that they have Went on vacation together, and she spends the night all the time all while we were working on our marriage. They spend all their time together but are just friends or so my husband who loves me and is still sleeping with me was telling me. He still loves me and just tried kissing me today but yet he spends every holiday, special occasion and weekend with her. She will swoop in and take everything away from you by using her kids as a means to get to your man. So better watch out if your kids are friends with her kids you may just wind up losing your husband!

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