Cassandra Noel — Sarnia, Canada

This girl can’t be trusted she’s nothing but a s*** talking two-faced pig. You can do anything for this girl and she will turn right around and lie and steal from you. De lent this girl over 300$ just to find out she was talking behind my back and I’m sure ill never see the money again. You have a daughter to take care of meanwhile you’re out doing Pepsi and smoking green you can’t even afford. Not to mention every time this girl gets a boyfriend she’s telling them she loves them the first week of dating them😂 get a life “Casey” maybe a job? You know so you can actually afford to buy your daughter things LOL 21 and doing nothing but living rent-free with your best friend taking advantage of even her. Oh, and you say you over your ex but you still share things about him on your Facebook. Real mature you need to grow up for the sake of your daughter lol.

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