Cassandra Marie Goss — Georgia

This ***** is my fiancée ex wife, she’s a cheating ***** who left him for some loser in Georgia and took their 2 kids with her. Fast forward, they divorce and we reconnect and get together after being friends for 10 years (when they were together she banned him from talking to me) and he proposes to me and I’m now pregnant with our first. Since finding out we got together she will NOT leave him alone she sends him desperate pleas for him to come back to her DESPITE living with another man!! She sends him slooty snaps with her **** out telling him he can *** her anytime, nasty af. He’s blocked her several times and always rejects her but she never takes the hint and creates new forms to get to him through social media. Her relationship is falling apart because she’s a lazy deadbeat mom who’d rather **** around on Facebook then take care of her kids and is desperate for a new victim to mooch off and rack up the credit card debt while sucking some other dudes **** in a motel with her kids present!! (No really she did this) Jason dude I hope you see this and leave her unfaithful *** and Cass I hope you see this even more and take the hint that it’s NEVER GONNA HAPPEN NOW MOVE ON!!!

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