Cash App — Rip Off by Cashapp user

I purchased, rather gave a hold deposit before seeing the product, a kitchen aide mixer, i looked up the address and it was legit, when i went to see the product the location was an apartment development in West Palm Beach and such person resided there, even after speaking with the super he also told me that no such person resided in that location. I contacted Cashapp and have basically been ignored. I know that law, Cashapp is resposible for the theft of $25 that i gave as a deposit, this seller was on OFFER UP, and wanted me to use the Cashapp app to forward the funds, I didn’t want to but conceded, Cashapp says that it can to nothing from its end, it knows where the funds were sent to, a bank account, and refused to contact the thief, their clients must have a bank account to forward the funds to, it is their duty to notify the proper authorities in order to resolve this issue or return me my $25, but does nothing

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