Casey Walker — Charles Town, West Virginia

Casey Alyce Walker of Charles Town, WV gave me STDs. I started dating her in mid November, to my surprise, her husband died at the beginning of November. I did not know this until much later. Casey gets money, furniture, bills paid and free taxi rides because of a charity fund that friends and family put together for her when her husband passed. After 3 months of dating Casey I discovered she was having *** with 3 other men, 2 of which are married and one who is a police officer. I am married myself, my wife and I were separated at the time. I know of 3 men, 2 who are married that she was having *** with at the same time she was dating me and having me believe we were together. Casey was even caught by a co-worker having *** with a man in the bathroom at her job at the Diner in Charles Town, WV. This was one of the married men. A second married man she was seeing on a weekly basis and having *** with him. The third man is a police officer that she has *** with on a regular basis, not to mention having *** with me. This is all within 3 months of her husband’s passing and while many people are donating to Casey to help pay her bills and take care of her 4 children. I found out about the first man and Casey convinced me that is was an isolated incident. I found out about the other 2 men at the same time. I not only saw texts but also many many photos and even 2 videos of Casey having *** with different men. Casey gave me STDs. She was the only woman I slept with in 2 years so I definitely got it from her. Once I tried cutting ties with Casey, in am attempt to keep me around she made threats. She threatened to have me arrested for assaulting her and was going to use a couple bruises that were on her body from *** as proof of an assault. She also threatened to call my job, leave an anonymous voicemail and pretend she was an employee at my job reporting me for sexual harassment. Casey Alyce Walker is a disgusting woman. She gave me STDs and she may have STDs as well as there was an incident that I found medicine that is used to treat STDs. She explained that it was for type 1 herpes and not for STDs but I cannot be sure about that. I saw no sign of STDs personally but we only would see each other a few times a month. She definitely has STDs because she gave it to me. I think it’s important to pour out that not only did Casey’s husband died in November but her boyfriend before him also passed away. I think it is disgusting that I was having *** with this woman only 8 days after her husband’s passing, but also that she was sleeping with at least 3 other men at the same time l, 2 who are married, all while tons of people are donating to her to support her and her 4 children AND while spreading STDs. It took me 2 months to cut ties with this woman. She is a disgusting human being and I suggest that any man beware of her and anyone who is donating to her realize exactly who they are helping. P.S. When deciding on which photos to include in this post, I was actually having a hard time finding photos of her with her clothes on. My phone had almost 200 photos of Casey, only less than 10 of those photos did she have clothes on. Yes there were many many red flags but I am gullible. Yes I am married too, I am separated tho and most likely getting divorced. The other men were not sperated tho. They have families and wives. One of the men I did tell that she has STDs but I don’t think he took it seriously. The others I haven’t tried to contact as it is too much for me.

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