Carrie Ann – Edmonton, Canada

She doesn’t have the decency to say anything nice obvi she’s high class trash, then the mom goes around telling every body all this bs like it’s true cos she has plenty of children from different daddies probably sad from her own life cos Carrie does nothing but complain boohoo you ***** Try stay away from this *** bubble of crazy bat **** Pepsi’d out useless no life having waste of skin that has a mouth as big as it’s brain. watch your men to she’s working at those rub an tugs ‘apparently wiping it down’ probably with her spit the gross *****. everything it had to say about me is irrelevant idfwh but I would slam the ***** an boot fk her with my steel toed boot . she’s a wanna be who talks **** like she’s not going to get hit. All the ***** smells like is drama and a headache. Find a real job . Guess pimping yourself out is a start Koodo’s you have the job every infected guy wants to visit

2 thoughts on “Carrie Ann – Edmonton, Canada

  1. You must really be jealous of her to post about her all over websites. Here’s an idea, get a ******* life you sad ugly *****. Go pop out another kid you ******* loser.

    This girl is nothing but kind and sweet. You are the waste of ******* space. Your mom should of swallowed you, cretin.

  2. This **** is ******* slander.

    This ******* website should be taken down

    Whoever owns it needs to have a way to contact them

    This women is obviously being attacked by a salty person. Get a ******* life !

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