Carolina Cornejo Viera – San Diego

Carolina Cornejo Viera — Cheater And Liar. Carolina Cornejo Viera cannot be trusted. She is dumb and a cheater and an absolute liar. She became my friend then tried to steal my boyfriend even though she’s dating Oscar. Oscar she’s cheating on you! She looks like a man with her ugly haircut. Miss thunder thighs needs a reality check. She went to school in Tiaguana… what a joke! She is delusional and thinks she’s better than everyone. Drag this fat *****.

1 thought on “Carolina Cornejo Viera – San Diego

  1. Hi! This is literally me, and who ever wrote this is a) clearly jealous of my good looks, which fair b) a complete stranger since my fiancé and I have been engaged since before this was posted and everyone knows it d) we both work from home and rarely leave the house without the other c) Not very smart since I’m not from San Diego at all.

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