Carissa Kahn (Los Angeles)

There’s so much trouble to be had with her. Just avoid her at all costs, whether as a relationship or as a friend. She won’t be there for you when things get tough, but will expect all your energy devoted to her. She has a troubled past and crappy family with similar mental issues. She’ll lie so efficiently and hide things like a pro. She was once a ***** to musicians and the like, but has since settled down a little bit, but we’ll see how long that lasts since she always wants to get her sexual compulsions out of her system. Other guys have said similar things, she lies and manipulates and cheats so efficiently. She’ll cast you aside at the drop of a hat, pursuing whatever suits her pleasure. She has a long history of doing all sorts of illicit drugs, but maybe what she truly needs is the right doctor and an anti-psychotic medication. She likely has destroyed any common sense and compassion because of all the nasty drugs she’s done and nearly died from on countless occasions, which she has no one else to blame but herself for. I’ve talked to other honest and good looking guys she dated or were friends with, and they have similar comments and are so glad to have moved on. Also, apparently she has a crazy ex husband, so that’s another reason to avoid her. She’s loco, bro!


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