Candace Gadomski — Glendale Heights, Illinois

So this girl never left my best friends boyfriend alone. She is a dirty, disgusting ,fat *****! She has *** with men on craigslist and swinger sites. This ugly, vegan, cellulite ***** met my best friend’s boyfriend (John) and threw multiple swinger parties with him. After my friend discovered this was going on behind her back, she confronted her and told her to back off. Twice and she still didn’t listen! She is still to this day trying to make a relationship with John, but she doesn’t get the fact that she is way too old for him. He is 29 and she is 42! She is desperate and will do anything to get money. De she is a loser who can’t support herself. She uses for *** and money! Stay away from this girl! She is a huge swinger and has ****ed over 50 guys!!!! She is very dirty and rarely has *** with a condom!!!

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