Camille Collins — Destin, Florida

Camille Collins who works for Firstservice Residential and lives in Orange Beach Alabama is a known Sociopath and epic cheater. She is known to be a con artist who fools men into falling in love with them so she can exploit them for everything for money, clothing, housing, jewelry, travel and what ever she can exploit men out of. She had more than 9 affairs behind her previous husbands back. When caught, she will try to convince her social group that she is being stalked by crazy people. Everyone believes her story and she always gets away with her cons. The truth is that she cons multiple men at the same time and takes them for as much as she can.

This woman is not a corporate pilot. This woman has a 35 year history of hiding multiple relationships at the same time. Hundreds, if not, thousands of people are aware of her behavior. She has few, if any long term, close friends. Is known to use multiple phones and multiple social media accounts. Beware and if dating this woman, hire a private detective to research her background and contact her ex husband to get the truth.

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