Calla Pope Bates — Cedartown, Georgia

Calla Pope Bates, of Cedartown Georgia travels for her job, it requires her to be at the racetrack anywhere races are held in the USA, she is married and has children. This did not stop her from targeting my husband who also works for a company who travels with the race circuit, she hit on him(she later admitted it was because of the amount of money he earned from his job) knowing he was married, my husband and I were having a rough patch,( and yes I know this doesn’t excuse him, ) De she had *** with him the same night they met, and over the proceeding 3 days, told him she wanted to have his baby, wanted him to leave me, and her leave her spouse, and for them to be together. ( also several months later learned , she slept with 2 other men the same weekend she did my husband), she destroyed a 20 year marriage because she is a gold digger and ***. So if your man likes to go to the races ladies be on the look out for this female dog that she is.

1 thought on “Calla Pope Bates — Cedartown, Georgia

  1. I know this *****, she had *** with my boyfriend Brad, back in August of 2020, the whole time she was trying to get a job working for me, and a man I know, we cleaned his truck on a regular basis at the tracks, was also trying to get me to give the b**** a job as well!!!!! I see her with multiple men constantly, She also does drugs, I have seen her doing that as well while she was supposed to be working. Tried to tell her employer Joyride about it and they shrugged it off.

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