Caitlyn Monet Guesnon – California

This disgusting excuse for a human being wasted 3 years of my boys life. She cheated on him the whole time they were together. It got really bad the last year they were together she was ******** any guy that was slightly interested. He caught her sleeping with some fat a** she worked with at Gamestop and a couple of guys from school who were just “study buddies”. But all she had to say was that she loved him and like a fool he would take her back. She had to have multiple abortions because she couldn’t tell who the **** knocked her up. But all she had to do was say she loved him and all was forgiven. We thought she as finally done being a w**** till what my homie thought was his friend started to help her hook up with one of her friends. He finds out and she dumps him because she cant handle it any more. Now she spends her time rubbing how great her new relationship is in my boys face. He was nothing but devoted to her and loved her but all she did was reward him with VD. FTB

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