Caitlyn Achla — Nasty Homewreckeking Sloot

Hey guys, so this fat loosey goosey is a real nasty winner lol caity caity wen will you learn, keep ur legs closed cause ur ***** got that soury burn you *** old men for booze and drugs while having ur own man at home oh I mean at ur gramms home this nasty ***** has torn apart over five serious relationships had a baby that died from doing cocaine smoking meth n drinking while 9 months pregnant she is the walking laughing stock on her Rez no one likes her she will *** anything including roosters pigs donkey goats u name it just make sure u pay her after like the stanly floozy she is, she’s got those drds as well so be aware , nik, this slimy *** poor excuse for a female really needs her face and her fukin name smeared in the mud for all those happy families she’s broke up for all those so called friends she fuked over by screwin their husbands for all the nasty *** shyt she’s put her own man threw this skuzz bucket fat loose *** Caitlyn needs to be exposed for the ***** she is and the ***** she always will be one day some ***** is come along and kick that tires *** lookin grill down ur throat

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