Burger King — Lowered expectations

I was only person in the drive thru at 10pm Sunday May 14, it took around 6-7min to place an order of two 8 piece chicken nuggets . I pull around to the window to wait another 10min behind a car that was waiting, i get there im not happy as this is now 20min into it but i keep calm, the guy says sorry about the time he threw another 8 piece nugget in for free. And i get home to find out he straight lied to my face. Nothn extra at all, I would rather just been handed my food and not said anything about it but instead when you offer me something for the time and then you don’t put it in there that’s like real slap in the face I would think a couple free eight pieces of chicken nuggets and maybe some fries and a couple drinks. It’s not like I handed the dude a bag of change and told him it was all there and took my food and left and really there’s only $2 and change there, just be real about it

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