Burger King — Due Payment

Requested MADAM/ SIR , I DIVYA , a citizen of Laxmi Nagar want your kind attention on my complaint regarding Burger King . Actually i have made my payment regarding my order on 22 August 2021 but they said that they does not received my payment i said they to check further they said may there is a technical glitch and i have to take my food.

I have to made payment twice then they will give my order i resented to give and they said that the payment which i have made from paytm will be revert back after 7 days and if the payment will not revert back than they checked their financial statement and return my payment but from that day.

They are ignoring me and are not giving my payment back . And till today 11 september they are not called me back for my payment . I have to made call they are not giving any focus on my complaint . Burger king is not returning my money back.

Their employees are also misbehaving and ignoring me .Please solve my query as soon as possible i will be very highly obliged for this if you solve my query.

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