Bryana Stubbs — Winter Haven, Florida

This woman of 27 years doesn’t have any respect for her self, came to my 45 year old husband at work and asked him for his number and offered to use her mouth to make him happy. She then let him get in her car in the parking lot where they both work. She didn’t care that he was married. She didn’t care that he could be her father, in exchange for money and illegal drugs. For his stupidity of felling flattered that a young lady came on to him like that he lost his family and his marriage of 18 years with 2 kids. I know it was his fault too. He was weak to the Diablo. He showed me the texts where he tried to tell her no but she keep insistently talking to him and unfortunately he failed. It’s girls like this one that families get destroyed. She should be ashamed of herself for acting so low and having zero morals in her life. I really feel sorry for her.. smh.

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