Bryan Keith Gibson is the worst of the worst!!!! I stupidly married him. But something told me over the years he was cheating…..finally I planted a bug near the bedroom and low and behold I got a phone call at 2am 3 hours after he kissed me goodnight!!! I heard moans of “f*** me please” over and over! Devastated I drove to where he was, he answered the door wearing a shirt I had seen earlier in the other bedroom……he had his *** face on (anyone who’s had *** knows what I mean) as I was yelling a voice came from the back bedroom… “Bryan”? He turned to look and I yelled who was that? He told me “none of your concern”! I went home crying!!!!! He has denied this to the point he states i’m crazy and it never happened!!! Anyone who’s been through this knows you WILL REMEMBER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED!!!!!! No matter how hard you try to forget!!! I begged him for weeks to tell me if he was seeing someone he always said no. This was not the first time it was only the time I caught him. Beware ladies, he couldn’t tell the truth if *** told him to!!!! He played me for 15 years to keep a roof over his head. He is not capable of real love!!!

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