Brooke Alexandria Miller — Endicott, New York

This is Brooke Alexandria Miller, she is a heroin addict. She has been sleeping with my husband the past few weeks and I blame them both. They are both sadly heroin addicts. This woman is a literal prostitute. She sells her body for heroin or money. I found videos on my husband’s phone of her making out with a woman in front of my husband and several other men while they were all high. She is sober for the moment and knows all about me and our family now and continues to not back off, again I blame them both. I want everyone in the area to know that she is an IV drug user and if your man has been with her you should think twice about being with him ever again, or at least until you’ve been tested. She was promiscuous even before her heroin addiction, check out her fb. De she needs help, they all need help but I ask you, is being an addict is an excuse for hurting someone else and their children? She will not be sober long and will be looking for her next drug supplier soon. Oh almost forgot to mention she has a criminal record a mile long! Ladies watch your men.

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