Brittany Parson — Indiana

This woman Brittany Parson is dangerous. She ruined my sisters relationship. She prays on boyfriends and husbands of her cohorts at [REDACTED]. What’s worse is her ‘husband ’ Kyle who is bisexual also sometimes get’s involved to help her set things up and even gets involved whenever he can. Brittany Parsons/ Bishey has ruined several relationships in the last year at [REDACTED] by using her position of authority and evil smile. She currently is manipulating several young men who were just hired and uses her *** appeal to get info to blackmail them. De she apparently has a very long employment history and has been dismissed many times. I have personally seen her absolutely freak out over the most minor things and beat her boyfriend/husband. Ladies in the Indianapolis area beware of this woman she chases after men in committed relationships… thus she has been dubbed “The Chase Queen”

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