Brittany Leigh Chapman & Tasha Powell — South Carolina

For your viewing pleasure today we have two Home Wreckers. The left is Brittany Leigh. This emo wannabe goes after married men and then tells the whole town when she gets turned down. When telling her to f off she fakes mental illness and threatens suicide to get more attention. Then her little ***** “friend” to the right Tasha Powell swoops in to try and pick off the leftovers. I don’t know who is worse. Tasha really can’t stand Brittany but Brittany is too desperate to see it. Brittany even has the nerve to lie for her white trash “friend” and take up for her even though Tasha does nothing but bad mouth her behind her back while making fun of her. That’s ok though because this “secret keeper” isn’t very good at keeping her secrets. They are both white trash with nothing to show for their pathetic empty lives. Maybe Tasha should stop being so concerned with spreading her legs to every man in Pickens County and focus on raising at least one of her four kids. She has no car and no drivers license and rents some shi**y apartment at thirty six years old. Just in case you are wondering, yes they both need those Snapchat filters and duck lips to make themselves look somewhat presentable to the general public. The good news is that their outside appearance matches their morally revolting insides.

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