Brittany Grace — Massachusetts

Apparently this ***** has been telling my friends boyfriend/fiancee that she still has an attraction for him. The deets from the source is that brittany here has been bragging about the time she gave him a fluff job as well as she would LOVE to fck him again. Keep in mind, she KNOWS that hes with someone and KNOWS hes engaged. She always seemed thirsty for him and just downright disrespectful. I mean… when someone you’ve known for years messages u and states they only gave you a fluff job in their lifetime cause you’re “special” to them AND tries to seemingly yet obnoxiously tell you things like oh everyone is bad in bed cept for you. BUT they know you’re taken……. that’s pretty downright pathetic. Conversation with someone who is taken should be kept appropriately. There shouldnt be any conversations of past *** and try to hint that they still have a thing for them. Get your own man and get a grip. Also… stop bragging about that “fluff job” he doesnt even think about it nor does he really think it’s at all great… even said she wasnt even that great in bed. Was nothing but a short fling when he was younger. I’m willing to bet he doesnt even have that “video” shes so proud about. Lol. Like really dude, pathetic. Should focus on getting her own dude and stop trying to be a homewrecker. That’s the case with all these hoes on here. They’re never gonna be sugar and spice with everything nice. They will always and forever be cnvt *** b1tches who needs some stitches. Thanks everybody. I hope these brats get what they deserve.

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